Lerici, Italy

The plan was to rent a fiat 500… fuck plans.

Instead, we showed up to the Nice airport with 10 bags ranging from tote bags to toddler size. The rental agent was nice not to laugh hard as the word “Fiat“ let my mouth. We had both just come from working the Cannes creative festival and were both without any place to call a home oddly enough. Thus the 10 bags.

We were on our way to a small town in Tuscany more for the villa we had rented and less about any sort of nightlife. We had plenty of that the previous week and were seeking a more… authentic experience. Its still unclear to me how we stumbled up Lerici along the drive after we upgraded to a small SUV, I’m convinced Katie simply searched for “Senza-Glutine” (gluten free) restaurants in Italy and there we were for dinner.

We got lost twice trying to find the restaurant which included hikes up and down medieval stairs but our spirits were high. It’s strange to be lost and happy… it also helped we were enveloped by a stunning sunset, perfect for some photographs. We eventually found our way only after google translate informed us the only path was a tunnel under a castle.

They had gluten free pasta and the most amazing water either of us had in our lives.